jueves, septiembre 03, 2009

Buscando, y nunca encuentro

transitando este continuamente renovado sendero, que llamamos vida
inconscientemente, me perdí en la vía,
aunque en mi corazón el miedo abundaba y el coraje flaqueaba,
lentamente, los días agarrados de manos con sus respectivas noches,
saludando me pasaban por el lado, en sus a veces lentos, a veces rápidos coches,
algunos regocijándose en su alegría, otros apesadumbrados por la tristeza,
un día curiosamente mientras hurgaba entre los diferentes pensamientos que habían en mi cabeza
encontré algo escondido tras la maleza
un pequeño diamante que con menguante esperanza brillaba,
yo, tan solo, imbécilmente esperaba
que la noche, que sobre mi se posaba
fuera, por este minúsculo diamante destronada.
en la oscuridad camino sin caminar,
a tientas, tal y cual lo hace un ciego
en el silencio hablo sin hablar,
mis palabras en la nada se pierden,
así como lentamente lo hago yo.
en que me he convertido?
todo lo que alguna vez he conocido
desaparece, excepto yo.


Only through yer own eyes can you really start to see mate. Society's not the way, and if it is, it's the wrong one. It's whole concept's based on the assumption that we're all alike, when we're not, we're different, and it's whithing that difference that exists our humanity. So fuck the white collars and the legislatures, the law-makers and the lawyers, the politicians and the lobbiests, the judges and the criminals, the cops and the felons, hang them all, and let them all burn slowly in the pire. Burn the flags and constitutions from every country in the world, disband the nations and bring down the boarders and limits. Burn the wallstreet-behaving bastards along with all the bankers and all the other money-mungering whores who fuck people up for a living. Burn the labels you have on God, abandon the believe that those narrow and hard to walk fucking paths, those box size jails, that all the various religions are, are the only ways to peace and love, 'cuz they really lead only to one place, destruction. And those two things everyone's always yappin' on about, exist withing ourselves, they reside only in our souls, they cannot be found out there in the world. That's why some people are miserable in one particular place and others are happy in the same fucking place. Happiness and peace, we choose to show them or hide them, in the end it's up to you, you wanna be happy? Burn the "social" version of "you", exorcise it if you will, only then will you trully come to know who the fuck you are, what you're fucking made of. See life through your own eyes, not through someone else's. Be yourself, let things be, stop trying to be perfect, and be free, only then will you trully be happy and at peace... CHEERS!