Like branches, all we do is sway, just sway,
Our decisions, into the wind, are cast away,
We're just broken down and lost ships docked on the bay,
Waiting to return to our home beneath the calm ocean waves one day,
But until then.
We have to endure the radicall and unpredictable changes of the tide,
Live in the sun, and howl at the moon at night,
Try our best to make the best of this static ride,
'Till it's our turn to make the journey to the other side.
We opened our eyes and closed our hearts, when we first arrived,
Only by closing our eyes and opening our hearts can we truly live life,
Otherwise we're doing not but living a deceptively comforting lie,
Nothing but fake diamonds from here on until the day we die,
And that's no way to live to laugh, only to cry.
We have to endure the radicall and unpredictable changes of the tide,
Live in the sun, and howl at the moon at night,
Try our best to make the best of this static ride,
'Till it's our turn to make the journey to the other side.
Let yourself be gently rocked to sleep by the ever changing tide,
And the sounds of the world that often break the night,
Trust always in your own damn self and in that heart,
That beats inside.